Friday, June 4, 2010

Remixing Summer Accessories

So, I've already worn these vintage flats a TON because they go with everything light and my mum has neglected to send me the ONE pair of sandals I have that was left at home. I've also already worn this cardigan and scarf a few different ways because of their colors and designs. So, I decided to wear them all again to prove that I can get away with recycling things! One of my Chictopia friends said that "Versatility is the key to your second closet" and that sounds pretty darn good to me! Or maybe the good part is just the thought of second closet... because the one I have now IS getting pretty full...

Cardigan & Dress: Urban Outfitters
Scarf as belt: Delias
Flats: Vintage, via Etsy

Please excuse my late-to-rehearsal-no-makeup-face-and-bug-eyes. But other than my awkward stares, doesn't it look like a great day? I'm loving the secret flowers I found behind my neighbors' house!


  1. I need to be much more creative with my clothes, I love how you've tied that scarf!! You've inspired me to be much more creative now, I love the idea of having loads more outfits, I've never thought of it that way!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  2. I would wear the same shoes on my blog everyday if people didn't mention it. Shoes are the one thing I can remix to death. Sometimes I even just change my shoes for the outfit photos. Shhhh don't tell... it also has to do with having a short boyfriend who doesn't like my heels. :)
