Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Few Things That Make Me Smile...

So, I know this is my third post with this title, but I think it's another pretty good one. These are my favorite kinds of posts to do because hopefully it shows that I do other things in life besides sit at my computer and browse the interweb for fashion advice and sales! ...but those things obviously make me smile, too.

1. Rupert after his flea bath. His tail looks ridiculous! And hopefully, he'll be smiling soon, too, because he won't be bitten anymore!

2. Visiting an old man's house and finding a walk-in liquour closet...

3. Driving by some of Indiana's classiest places

but wait, there's more!
(Apparently they're looking for NICE girls? Something tells me they don't want NICE girls!)

4. Going to Lunch at FarmBloomington, an ACTUAL classy place in town, for a friend's bday!

5. Kind-of-sort-of stealing an out-of-use sign from the theatre department to put on my bathroom door

6. The fact that my roommate working as a florist this summer keeps our hose pretty!
(and the fact that Rupert has to creep into all of my pictures...)

7. Redeeming a pair of shoes on for 2000 chicpoints instead of real money!!!

8. Wearing an all-vintage outfit today!

Hooray for thrifting!

Things that do NOT make me happy include the fact that my boyfriend has been out of the country for almost a month. But otherwise it's been a *pretty* great day. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm On a Boat!

If you HAVEN'T seen this silly SNL music video that makes the nautical a little more naughty and hip, get it out of the way:   I'm on A Boat! (and now you can be too)

But for those of you who HAVE seen this, you'll know that I had a pretty good weekend. And if you were on the shore, then you were sure not me-oh.

I wasn't particularly fashionable (just like in my camping weekend post), but I thought I'd show you some amusing pictures of my first attempt at speedboat tubing! It's harder than it looks.

It's harder than it looks to climb onto these things!

Apparently putting your legs in ridiculous positions is how to do this right?

Regular outfits resume soon... but it was fun not to wear clothes for a while. It's bathing suit weather :-)

Unfortunately, while this was an AMAZING weekend, my newest accessory is going to be a sunburn...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Coffee Shop Cuteness

Having free time means having time to actually hang out with friends, and hanging out with friends inevitably involves going to coffee shops. The coffee date, even to a person with a pretty extreme caffeine allergy, such as myself, is an unavoidable form of socialization. For those of us who aren't bean-friendly, there are lots of other decaf options I'm finding out, but those options certainly don't skip on the sugar. So here are two sweet outfits I've worn out to coffee shops recently! The second, including a new favorite purchase of mine...

 Lookin' frappacino worthy in:
floral top: Urban Outfitters
skirt and belt: Forever 21
heels: Macy's

Seeing friends also lets me see new movies...and while this one isn't exactly a new film, I recently saw 500 Days of Summer for the FIRST TIME! And, obviously I loved the heck out of it! It's precious, and so are all of Zooey Deschanel's outfits...still kinda want to be her when I grow up! My friend Stacy, who is going through an "i've-fallen-for-my-best-friend" stage in her life didn't think the flick was so adorable, but she does agree that the clothes were all to die for! 

Well. Summer's signature color in the film is blue, and it's been my color for a while as well as a girl with blue eyes. So, when I found out that even without an H&M in my area that I could get one of their new sold-out Garden Collection dresses off eBay, I had to! And I got one in '500 Days of Steph' blue!

While my dress isn't as light blue as some of hers, I think she would totally still wear it! Wouldn't you?
And, visits to coffee shops are not complete without seeing some cute indie-pop bands play. The reason I got all dressed up for a simple cup of decaf, was because my friend Matty was playing this time!! Here he is now:

Though we couldn't get a very good smile out of Matty, my friend Natalie captured Leslie and me smiling at one of the singers in the next band. 
Oh, yes. It looks like hipster love. But don't be fooled. It's just the coffee-shop/band effect. Happens all the time. We OBVIOUSLY got home and told our boyfriends how much we love them! But we also told Natalie she had to give him her number, for single girls in coffee shops everywhere. 

I keep having so many unexpected small adventures this summer. I hope you are, too. Having time to get out of rehearsals and relax with friends has been just what I needed! I just wish there really could be 500 more days of it all...

Friday, June 25, 2010

First Day of School On Repeat...

Hello! It's been a long time. And I'm sorry about that, but things have gotten pretty busy! My summer job: "Welcome to College: The Musical!" has two (sometimes three) shows a day, and I have to be constantly running back and forth to the theatre department--not that I don't love it!

One of the perks of this show is that there isn't a specific costume any of the actors have to wear, but a dresscode, if you will. Since we are all playing new freshman who just got to our university, we are supposed to dress as if we are "still trying to impress people" on the first day of school! So, this summer I'm going to end up putting together over 50 first day of school outfits. Neato? Yes. Challenging? Hopefully not. I think I'm doing alright so far.

So here are a FEW of the outfits I've been wearing to work: they're all different and unpredictable! Just like everyday of uni ends up being...

You can meet this student version of me in the library!
dress: charlotte russe
sweater: delias
belt: wet seal
flats: Cactus Flower

You can meet this student version of me outside in the quad with friends!
necklace: mom's from the 60's!
dress & sandals: Modcloth
belt: Wet Seal

Or you can meet this student version of me catching a quick bite to eat at the city bakery next to the music school! 
headband & dress: Urban Outfitters
scarf/belt: hat shop in LA
sandals: Modcloth

And there will be many other student personalities I have to dress myself up in before uni actually  starts! The best part: seeing the look on all the other actors' faces when they sighed in realization of having to abandon their usual sweat-pants-to-class-chic. I'm proud of myself for still dressing up like I want to "impress people" everyday, even if it's not the first day anymore!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Comedic Camping

            So, while this weekend I have absolutely no great outfits to show you, I do have some photos you might enjoy. My improv comedy troupe went CAMPING! However, we were sleeping in a friend's backyard with nearby park and not roughing it to the extent that I had originally imagined. So the reason why I could've worn something cute and didn't, is because I thought that the conditions would be much worse! So here I am in the laziest outfit EVER having a great time with some of the laziest and best people EVER!

We took setting off fireworks and running away and made it into a new poster for our shows next year!

And I tried my hardest to get a sweet trampoline shot!

So, while I wish I had looked better doing it so I could show you some camping fashion (if such a thing exists...), I had a fantastic time this weekend. I hope you did, too. 

Friday, June 11, 2010


So a package arrived for me from yesterday and it was a DVD of one of my favorite comedies: THE IT CROWD!

Oh, yes. I am in love with nerdy, Brit humor (for obvious reasons because I am in love with my nerdy, Brit boyfriend). My roommate Steven was all surprised that the package contained no dresses.

Today, I DID get a package with dresses though! Dresses and a pair of sandals that I had left at my mum's house in Florida when I went home to visit for the winter holiday. (I had to save all the suitcase room for sweaters and warm Christmas presents because I'd need them more in the spring semester). Finally, summer is here and the sandals and sundresses are useful again, so Mum sent them back to me! I had to convince Steven and let him check all the dresses to make sure they weren't new, though. Am I addicted to dresses? Maybe. Did I buy any recently? No. Can I control myself on a budget? Yes. Does that kind of suck and leave me with dress-withdrawal symptoms? YES.
**plus, while I have eaten ice cream and watched cute TV shoes with both old friends and new ones, I have not gone shopping yet since James left and this is usually an integral part of the "feeling better" process when something big happens, no?

So here's my "new outfit" A dress and a pair of sandals that I'm OBSESSED WITH that I can't believe I left at home for so long...

Dress: Pitaya
Undershirt: hand-me-down from a friend
belt: Cactus Flower
Sandals: Modcloth

So, I know I've been rambling a bit today, but! these are completely awesome shoes not only because they’re comfy and the ONLY pair of sandals I own (shocking for a Floridian, but I’m in Indiana for school…so what can I do?), but also because THEY LOOK LIKE PIE. I feel like my feet are made of sweet pastry lattice every time I wear them! And that’s a pretty silly and day-brightening feeling.

And, though I hate to sound like a downer and say that pie-sandals, key lime pie ice cream, and TV shows with pie-makers... and silly computer programmers (okay this show breaks my apparent pie-themed life, but I'll deal)...I still feel pretty down and lonely since James left. Only natural, I'm sure--in fact, a good sign! But the truth is I'm also having issues with finding a roommate for next year and now with trying to find a replacement for a character in the play that was supposed to be a stress-free fun progject. SIGH. 

But what do you guys do when you need an instant cheer-up and might be on a lame budget?
Hope your days are so much better than mine, lately! 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Not So Very Good Day...

I haven't posted in a while because I've been focusing on spending all my time with the boyf...

...and James officially left for England today.

I miss him already.

And I keep trying not to cry in the pictures. Don't believe the smiles :-( I'm sorry about all the cheesy photos, but I'm about to freak right out now that he's gone! 

I INSISTED we had to take some nice photos of us together before he left because we haven't gotten any taken recently. So I wore his favorite color and everything. He even laughed when he figured out that my dress and his trousers both came from H&M. (He's worthy of a fashion photo now, he says).

My friends have been fantastically supportive today, though. My roommates and a two other friends in town got together at my house to eat ice cream and watch "Pushing Daisies." It's the most ADORABLE program, and just look at this fashion:

I've always wanted to be like Charlotte "Chuck" Charles, the beautiful girl in the yellow dress. She and her beloved pie-maker, Ned, can't touch in the show due to his special powers--but now my boyfriend and I can't touch either. Due to a very big ocean. Sigh. Maybe James and I can be just like Chuck and Ned in our long-distance relationship in someways...

Here's hoping the rest of my summer can still be full of good days.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Too Hot to Accessorize?

Accessorizing is not always meant for summer. It's too hot. I've given up on tights, cardigans and other awesome things I usually wear for today. Why, heat, why? Here's what I got, though. Not all bad.

Bow headband & Dress: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Modcloth
Bracelet: Gift from a friend.

What's the best thing to wear to look cool and KEEP cool in the summer? I'm still working on it! I'm also working on a goodbye party for James. Hopefully his last day in American tomorrow will be fantastic. And not as bloody hot outside!! :-P

Friday, June 4, 2010

Remixing Summer Accessories

So, I've already worn these vintage flats a TON because they go with everything light and my mum has neglected to send me the ONE pair of sandals I have that was left at home. I've also already worn this cardigan and scarf a few different ways because of their colors and designs. So, I decided to wear them all again to prove that I can get away with recycling things! One of my Chictopia friends said that "Versatility is the key to your second closet" and that sounds pretty darn good to me! Or maybe the good part is just the thought of second closet... because the one I have now IS getting pretty full...

Cardigan & Dress: Urban Outfitters
Scarf as belt: Delias
Flats: Vintage, via Etsy

Please excuse my late-to-rehearsal-no-makeup-face-and-bug-eyes. But other than my awkward stares, doesn't it look like a great day? I'm loving the secret flowers I found behind my neighbors' house!